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Moldovan PM says government to continue investments in projects bringing essential infrastructure closer to citizens

21:17 | 19.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 19 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has discussed with a group of residents from the Hitresti village, north-western Falesti district. As many as 260 households, four economic agents and four public institutions were connected to the aqueduct network here due to the European Village Programme. The government invested over five million lei, for those about 600 residents of Hitresti to have access to quality drinking water, the government’s communication department reported.       

The PM and village residents discussed the benefits of the European Village Programme and the importance of its continuation for the modernization of the country’s settlements. The prime minister also highlighted that the European funds Moldova would benefit from, in the context of the negotiations on accession to EU, would be aimed at carrying out the projects which provide a better living for the people – water and sewerage supply networks will be constructed, roads will be repaired, schools, kindergartens and cultural institutions will be renovated and sports fields will be arranged.     

„The access to drinking water is a huge step towards a better living. The government will continue the investments in such projects, in order to bring the infrastructure essential for life closer to our citizens,’’ the PM stressed.  

For their part, the citizens said that, since they had had running water, the daily activities became easier. They also said that the settlements of the region had developed considerably in the last years.   

In all, aqueduct and sewerage systems were built in six settlement of the Falesti district through the European Village Programme.  

The revision of the legislative framework in the field of water and sanitation supply, consolidation of the dialogue with Romania and Ukraine to ensure the integrated management of the water resources and water ecosystems, in line with the international environmental requirements, the construction of regional projects on supply with water and sewerage and the development of the water distribution infrastructures represent the government’s priorities, which are included in the We Edify the European Moldova National Plan.    





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