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Thirty seven local action groups receive financing through LEADER Programme in Moldova

14:38 | 20.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 20 September /MOLDPRES/ - A number of 37 local action groups (GALs) have received financing at the first edition of the LEADER national programme for the period 2022-2023. The Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry (MAIA) and the Agency of Intervention and Payments for Agriculture (AIPA) unveiled the results today.    

According to data by MAIA, during 2022-2023, this programme backed 37 GALs with a financing of 173.6 million lei from the National Fund for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Environment.   

The money was used for the implementation of two support measures: one regards the development and functionality of the local action groups and the second measure – the implementation of the strategy on development of settlements. ‘’Twenty per cent of the sources allocated were for the development and functionality of GALs and 80 per cent or over 50 million euros was allocated for the development of projects,’’ the AIPA deputy director, Diana Cosalic, said.     

As a result, the local action groups developed and implemented 893 projects with an overall value of subsidies of 138.4 million lei, according to MAIA’s data. As many as 387 projects concerning the development of small-scale infrastructure and creation of public services were developed for the public sector. A number of 365 projects were developed for the entrepreneurial sector. Most beneficiary companies invested in the procurement of equipment, photovoltaic panels, tourism and non-agricultural activities. At the same time, the forestry sector, which was eligible for subsidization for the first time ever, developed 141 investment projects.      

Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea said that the LEADER Programme was a success one for Moldova and was extending. ''We are happy that that the number of local action groups is growing. We have the goal to cover the whole Moldova with GALs. At this point, we have coverage of 56 per cent and 51 GALs, which would comprise about 1 million 140,000 citizens. We are glad that the LEADER Programme extends in Moldova; this speaks about the cooperation between the local public administration and the business environment,’’ Vladimir Bolea said.   

The official noted that most businesses subsidized through this programme were micro- and small businesses, family farms, entrepreneurs who returned home from the Diaspora. ‘’These are successful models, which are be multiplied in the next years as well,’’ Vladimir Bolea also said.  

In Moldova, 51 GALs with legal status presently cover 478 administrative and territorial units and 783 villages with a population of 1.14 million people, accounting for over 56 per cent of the country’s territory.

The LEADER Programme was launched in Moldova in 2022, with the goal to contribute to the efficient and long-lasting development of the rural areas of the country. The programme allows the Local Action Groups from all over Moldova to access up to 5 per cent of the National Fund of the Development of Agriculture and Rural Environment. Thus, Moldova became the first and, for the time being, the only NON-EU member country to implement the LEADER approach as instrument of public policy for rural development.      


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