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Broadcasting Council starts monitoring election coverage

14:54 | 20.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, Sep 20 /MOLDPRES/- Broadcasting Council (CA) will monitor all television media service providers who have declared that they will participate in the coverage of this fall's elections. The CA made the statement in the context of today's launch of the electoral campaign for the presidential elections and the republican constitutional referendum on October 20.

Thus, the CA has ordered the initiation of a control on the observance by the TV media services, which have declared that they will cover the electoral campaign, the Declaration on the editorial policy in the coverage of elections, Articles 89 and 90 of the Electoral Code and the Central Electoral Commission's Regulation on the coverage of elections in the media.

The control will cover news and current events programs, election debates and election promotion shows.

According to the CA, out of the 39 active TV channels registered in the CA's Register of TV media service providers, 19 have committed to election coverage. Specifically, 18 will cover the election campaign in news, 10 will organize election debates, six of which are included in the must carry list and 12 are obliged to provide time for election promotion.

Also, the CA launched the awareness-raising campaign today. 

The electoral campaign for the republican constitutional referendum and the presidential elections on October 20, 2024 started in Moldova today.


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