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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: About 2,000 residents of north Moldova village have access to drinking water

16:22 | 20.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 20 September /MOLDPRES/ - About 2,000 residents of the Falestii Noi village of the north-western Falesti district have access to drinking water, after an artesian well had been constructed in the settlement. The project was included in the European Village programme, edition I, and has a value of about one million lei.     

Following the project’s implementation, 705 households, eight public institutions and 25 economic agents have access to the network of drinking water supply. Now, the kindergarten with about 100 children, the gymnasium where over 350 pupils from seven settlements study, the office of family physicians, the post office and the mayoralty benefit from quality water. Three economic agents, the changing room of the sports field and two churches are also connected to the centralized aqueduct.   

According to the settlement’s mayor, Vladimir Bejenari, over 450 households have already connected to the water network and another approximately 250 ones are in process of connection.   

The Falestii Noi village benefited also from another important project for the community. Under the Express European Village National Programme, two playgrounds were built, endowed with toboggans, merry-go-rounds, grounds with sand, benches and other leisure equipment. Thus, those about 500 children of the settlement now have safe places to play and spend the time in open air. Besides, the parents have an area where they can socialize and enjoy nice moments.    

The value of the first project is of about one million lei and about 440,000 lei was invested for the implementation of the second project. The financial resources were earmarked by Moldova’s government through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development.  







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