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Maia Sandu starts electoral campaign for office of Moldova's president

20:19 | 20.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, 20 September /MOLDPRES/ - Head of state Maia Sandu, the candidate put forward by the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) for the office of Moldova’s president, today officially started her electoral campaign for the presidential polls due on 20 October 2024. The event was organized on the square of the Maria Biesu National Opera and Ballet Theatre from the centre of Chisinau. Maia Sandu chose the campaign’s slogan, For Moldova.  

The event was organized today evening, 20 September, on the first day of electoral campaign for the participants in the republican constitutional referendum and the candidates for the office of Moldova’s president. More citizens who came from different Moldovan settlements participated in the event.   

„Today, Moldova has a safe way ahead; things which seemed impossible four years ago presently are closer than ever to fulfillment. While four years ago, we were wondering whether we had chance to ever join the European family, today we discuss when this will happen. (…) We have managed to make the whole world see us differently. Moldova is no longer seen as the personal business of oligarchs or as an area for money laundering; Moldova was accepted with respect at the table of discussions of the most important countries of the world and is recognized for our kindness, courage and wish for freedom. (…) We cannot stop at the half of the way. My plan for Moldova is quite clear. I will pursue three national objectives: care for the people, better living conditions, peace and good understanding. (…) I will continue acting with all means, in order to ensure the peace and good understanding. We will prepare the country for accession to EU till 2030. (…) I have been and I stay devoted to the democracy, but it is clear that it is necessary that we fight against the corruption more toughly. This is my plan for Moldova and I will work with the same responsibility and self-denial for its accomplishment. Only if you come to elections and vote, you can vote what you want. Put the politics for the service of the country,’’ Maia Sandu said at the event.             

The Central Electoral Commission informed that four candidates for the office of Moldova’s president had been registered so far.

The elections for the office of Moldova’s president will be held on 20 October 2024, on the same day with the referendum, during which the citizens will be asked whether they support the country’s accession to the European Union.   






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