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GOVERNMENT BUILDS: Soroca kindergarten repaired with state funding

17:34 | 22.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Sep 22 /MOLDPRES/- Repair of the Early Education Institution Calina continues in Soroca, within an urban revitalization project financed by the National Fund for Regional and Local Development and implemented by the North Regional Development Agency (ADR).

"At present, works are being carried out to insulate the walls of the building, on an area of 1,200 square meters, and renovation works are being carried out inside the building. Previously, the reconstruction of the roof was completed on an area of 520 square meters, 90 photovoltaic panels were installed on the new roof and the windows were replaced," ADR North said.

The final beneficiaries of this project include one hundred pre-school children, including of Roma origin, from the revitalization area of Soroca municipality, 23 teachers and non-teaching staff employed at IET no. 7 "Calina" and about ten thousand inhabitants of the Soroca hillside.

The project is worth 7.8 million lei (390 thousand euros).






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