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BRINGING EUROPE HOME: Cleaning and greening to European standards in Telita village carried out side by side with EU Delegation to Moldova

11:05 | 23.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Sep 23 /MOLDPRES/- On the occasion of the World Cleanup Day, the EU Delegation to the Republic of Moldova, together with EU member states and development partners, participated in a large-scale sanitation action in the village of Telita, Anenii Noi district, on the banks of the Dniester River. Representatives of embassies, European institutions, authorities and residents answered the call to help keep the area clean.

The action in Telița marks the beginning of the campaign organized in the context of the World Cleanup Day, underlining the continued commitment of the European Union and its partners in supporting environmental initiatives in the Republic of Moldova. Participants collected dozens of bags of waste, which were separated into recycling categories (paper, plastic, glass) to facilitate proper and sustainable waste management.

"It is very important that each and every one of us takes responsibility for the environment. Actions like today's are not just symbolic, they are a direct call for civic awareness, respect for nature and a more sustainable lifestyle. Protecting the environment is essential not only for our health but also for future generations. The European Union will continue to support the efforts of the Republic of Moldova in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development, contributing to the improvement of the life quality of all citizens", Jānis Mažeiks, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova said. World Cleanup Day, which this year took place on September 20, is a global initiative bringing together communities around the world to combat waste and promote sustainable resource management. Since its launch in 2018, the campaign has become one of the largest global civic movements, attracting millions of volunteers from more than 190 countries, with the active support of governments, international organizations and local communities.

In the Republic of Moldova, the National Environmental Centre (CNM) is the coordinating organization for the campaign at national level, working with central and local authorities and various organizations to ensure the widest possible participation and a real impact on the environment.

The European Union and its member states are actively supporting environmental and sustainable development initiatives in the Republic of Moldova, as part of a broader agenda to improve citizens' quality of life and promote a green economy. Actions such as the World Cleanup Day show the EU's strong commitment to protecting the environment and supporting local communities in their efforts to ensure a sustainable future. Through such events, the Republic of Moldova adds its voice to those around the world who are fighting to make the planet a cleaner and healthier place for all.

The European Union supports Moldova in the environment and climate change through a number of initiatives.

It is about:

EU4Environment - Water Resources and Environmental Data in the Republic of Moldova continues to support the Republic of Moldova in preserving its natural resources in line with the European Green Deal and post-COVID-19 environmental recovery measures. For more details:

EU4Environment - Green Economy supports partner countries in Eastern Europe to achieve policy and legislative change, pro-environmental planning and investment, stimulate the use of innovative technologies, adopt new business models and create green jobs. For more details:

EU4Climate supports Eastern Partnership countries in the development and implementation of climate policies, thereby contributing to the development of low-emission and climate-resilient economies and to the fulfillment of their commitments under the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change. For more details:

LIFE programme is the only EU funding program entirely dedicated to environmental, climate and energy objectives. For more details:







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