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Code of conduct on organization and coverage of electoral campaign at 20 October election proposed for consultation

14:18 | 23.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, Sep 23 /MOLDPRES/- Members of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) will propose for consultations the draft code of conduct on organization and coverage of the electoral campaign for the republican constitutional referendum and presidential elections of October 20, 2024.

Code of Conduct which is a convention concluded between electoral candidates and representatives of media outlets on how to conduct and cover the electoral campaign.

Head of the Communication, Public Relations and Media Department of the CEC Rodica Sirbu said that the document stipulates that each signatory in the electoral campaign will be based on the following principles: compliance with the norms of the electoral legislation and the guidelines and recommendations set out in the Commission documents.

Thus, each signatory will respect: the rights, freedoms and dignity of other signatories, voters and other participants in the electoral process; the freedom of the press, including the right to monitor the organization and conduct of the presidential elections; the rights and freedoms of accredited observers.

Each signatory shall not obstruct journalists in the performance of their official duties; shall not obstruct the election campaigns of other signatories; shall not publish false, denigrating, sexist and defamatory material against other signatories; shall not prevent other signatories from broadcasting or displaying election campaign materials in places specially designated for election posters; shall not damage or destroy election campaign materials of other signatories; shall not prevent other signatories from holding meetings or demonstrations of an electoral nature; shall not prevent citizens from participating in meetings or demonstrations of other signatories; shall not offer money, goods or other pecuniary advantages to citizens during the election campaign shall not mislead voters by instilling in them that the secrecy of the ballot will not be preserved and that the elections will be falsified; shall not admit the direct or indirect involvement in the electoral agitation of religious cults, foreign official persons, state institutions or public authorities abroad, international organizations, as well as the involvement of the attributes of political parties declared unconstitutional will not allow the involvement of public authorities and the use of administrative resources of public or private organizations and institutions to influence voters' choices and intentions to participate against their will; will not allow the organized transport of voters to polling stations; will not allow interference in the work of electoral bodies; will not discriminate or use violence against representatives of electoral contestants or voters, including gender-based violence; will not incite hatred and will respect gender equality, human rights and social inclusion.

Tomorrow CEC will invite the representatives of the election participants and media outlets to sign the Code of Conduct.

Elections for President of Moldova will be held on 20 October 2024, the same day as the referendum in which citizens will be asked whether they agree with the country's accession to the European Union.


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