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Moldovan grape producers explore Poland's biggest agricultural markets

12:41 | 23.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Sep 23 /MOLDPRES/- Five Moldovan grape producers took part in a trade mission to Poland, exploring two of the largest agricultural markets: Bronize and Krakow.

Company representatives analyzed prices, competition and market structure. During the visit, producers discovered the logistics infrastructure at Greenyard and Amplus - storage, packaging and stock management. "The B2B meetings with importers opened doors for new partnerships and offers for Moldovan grapes," the participants said.

As part of the mission, Moldovan producers caught the attention of large retail chains present at the Fresh Market Trade Show. This is the first time that these chains have requested direct visits with Moldovan producers, "a sign of growing interest in the Polish market".

The mission, organized by the Association of Moldovan Grape Producers and Exporters, with the support of USAID Moldova, brought Moldovan producers face to face with the large Polish retail chains. According to them, Moldovan grapes are increasingly appreciated for their quality standards and attractive packaging. Also, representatives of the Polish company AMPLUS will soon pay a working visit to the Republic of Moldova to explore more opportunities for cooperation.

Exports of table grapes from the Republic of Moldova to the European Union increased by 125% in eight months of 2024 compared to the same period last year. The main EU countries where Moldovan grapes arrive are Romania, Poland, Hungary, Latvia and Croatia.



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