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Moldova takes first steps towards carbon pricing as part of Energy Community commitments

13:39 | 23.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Sep 23 /MOLDPRES/- Environment Ministry held the first meeting of the working group on carbon pricing, which aimed to examine the results of studies on the impact of a regional carbon trading system, in the context of fulfilling commitments as a contracting party to the Energy Community and as a signatory to the UN Convention on Climate Change.

The meeting was important in the context of the approval of the Regulation on Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (MRV) on August 21.

The discussions focused on the presentation of the regulatory framework on climate change and the analysis of the scenarios presented in the impact assessment study on establishment of a regional carbon trading system in the Energy Community contracting parties. 

According to Aliona Rusnac, State Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, the implementation of the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification system is an important step not only in reducing the environmental impact, but also in stimulating investments in cleaner and more economically efficient technologies. Under the new regulations, every company in Moldova will be obliged to develop a detailed plan for measuring greenhouse gas emissions, Rusnac said.

"Through these measures, we aim to contribute to achieving the climate neutrality goals agreed both at international and national level by 2050," the official said.


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