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President to visit Italy to discuss Plan for Moldova with diaspora

14:58 | 24.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, Sep 24 /MOLDPRES/- Maia Sandu, candidate of the Action and Solidarity Party in the presidential elections announced today that she will visit Italy. She will discuss with her fellow citizens of diaspora about the Plan for Moldova.

"Dear citizens of northern Italy, I invite you to discuss my Plan for Moldova this weekend. I need your involvement and everyone's help to achieve Moldova's development goals," Maia Sandu said.

Thus, the meeting in Milan will take place on September 27, Turin - September 28, Parma - September 28, Bologna - September 28, Padua - September 29, Verona - September 29, Brescia - September 29.

The electoral campaign for the presidential elections and the republican constitutional referendum on October 20 is underway in Moldova.

So far, the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has registered eight candidates in the presidential race. It is about Alexandr Stoianoglo, nominated by the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, candidate of the Action and Solidarity Party, Renato Usatii, nominated by the Our Party, Vasile Tarlev, candidate of the Party for Future of Moldova. Other registered candidates are Ion Chicu, nominated by the Party for Development and Consolidation of Moldova, and Irina Vlah, nominated by a citizens' group. They are followed by Andrei Nastase, nominated by a group of citizens and Octavian Țîcu - ÎMPREUNĂ Electoral Bloc.

Four other files are still being examined. In total, 12 candidates could run for head of state.


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