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Ambassador of Moldova to Israel urges Moldovans to be vigilant

16:53 | 24.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 24 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s Ambassador to Israel Alexandr Roitman urges the Moldovans who are on the Israeli territory to be vigilant, to observe all instructions by the authorities and follow only the official information sources. The urge comes in the context of the Israeli military operations carried out in north Israel and in southern Lebanon.  

According to the diplomat, the situation in Israel stays extremely unstable, with unpredictable developments and on the last days, the tensions have boosted, especially following the Israeli military operations carried out in north Israel and in southern Lebanon.

The ambassador noted that the Israeli authorities had introduced the force majeure state, along with the emergency state and the state of war, in order to allow the imposing of additional restrictions as regards the citizens’ movement and actions.  

Roitman confirmed that the air traffic had been hit in Israel and more international companies had cancelled or suspended flights.

The head of the diplomatic mission said that no official requests had been registered in behalf of Moldovan citizens in the wake of these events so far. ‘’The situation stays volatile and the future developments are not known,’’ the diplomat stressed.   

The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) today issued a new alert of travel. Citizens are recommended to leave Lebanon and limit the trips to the south and north of Israel. At the same time, MAE recommends that the citizens follow the instructions by the military and civilian authorities; limit the travels to the north and south; take refuge in special shelters.  

In case of need, citizens can call Moldova’s Embassy in the State of Israel: +972 52-7789772, in regime of 24/7. Also, people can call the MAE’s emergency line: 0 80 090 990 or the phone number +373 22 23 20 02.   

On the last days, the State of Israel has launched more air attacks against Hezbollah targets, which killed about 270 people. At the same time, several thousands of people were wounded; among victims, there are also leaders of the group.   


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