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European Parliament to adopt resolution on Moldova in next October

18:44 | 24.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 24 September /MOLDPRES/ -  The European MPs will have a discussion and will approve a resolution on Moldova at the first plenary session of the European Parliament, due in next October. MEP, the president of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Moldova Siegfried Muresan today made statements to this effect.     

The debate will take place at the European Parliament on 8 October and the resolution will be voted on the next days. According to Muresan, the exact title of the discussion and of the resolution is: Strengthening Moldova's resilience against Russian interference ahead of the upcoming presidential elections.     

„I was one of the initiators of this debate and resolution and I insisted, on behalf of the EPP Group, that they should as quickly as possible be included on the agenda of the Parliament. On 20 October, Moldova’s citizens will go to vote to elect the president, as well as to vote at the referendum on Moldova’s accession to the European Union. The future European integration way of Moldova and the country’s perspectives of development depend on theses votes. Yet, we quite clearly see that Russia continues with the attempts to destabilize Moldova. Russia wants Moldova to become again a weak state and dependent on Moscow. Therefore, it will try to get involved in influencing the elections and the referendum, using illegal means, such as the illicit financing of pro-Russian politicians and the manipulation and propaganda. This is how Russia acted last year too, on the occasion of the local polls in Moldova,’’ Muresan wrote.             

The politician said that the MEPs, European Parliament wanted to convey to Moldova’s authorities and people that they were with them in the efforts of combatting the Russian aggression.

„Moldova is a state candidate for the European Union, with which we started the negotiations on accession this ear. Moldova is also a state in our immediate neighbourhood. Therefore, the safety and stability of the European Union depend also on how safe and stable Moldova is. That is why we should be with Moldova and make sure that Russia will fail in the attempt to sabotage the democratic elections in Moldova. The people’s will expressed at voting, not Russia’s will must be contained in the final result of the elections,’’ Muresan added.      



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