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Moldovan PM urges Rascani district mayors to continue investments in projects generating better living conditions

18:02 | 24.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 24 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has started his working visit to the northern Rascani district with a meeting, in which representatives of the local public authorities and deconcentrated services participated. The interlocutors discussed the benefits of the European Village Programme, the European integration process and solutions to the problems from the Rascani district settlements, the government’s communication department reported.      

The PM stressed the need of the cooperation of the local public authorities with the central ones, in order to invest in the reestablishment of reservoirs, as well as to mobilize the communities in case of bad weather. Also, the sides tackled subjects on the importance of investments in the rural irrigation infrastructure, in the construction of aqueduct and sewerage networks, as well as in education.      

The prime minister underlined that, this year, the number of projects won by the mayoralties from the Rascani district, through the European Village Programme, had doubled against the edition from 2022. ‘’This proves not only the ambition of mayors to get more funds for the modernization of communities, but also the commitment to improve the citizens’ living conditions,’’ the PM noted.     

Prime Minister Dorin Recean said that each project won brought visible changes in the villages and towns of Moldova – water and sewerage systems, street illumination, rehabilitated roads, renovated and energy efficient buildings. ‘’We must edify Europe here, at home. We rely on our cooperation with EU, which will provide us with financial support for development projects and modernization of the infrastructure,’’ the PM said.  

At the same time, Dorin Recean reiterated the importance of consolidating the capacities of writing projects, given that, in the European integration projects, Moldova would benefit from pre-accession funds. Also, the prime minister noted that the mayors must discuss with local residents as often as possible, in order to implement projects needed by people.      

„I congratulate you on the effort you make for the development of settlements and I urge you to continue the investments in projects due to generate better living conditions,’’ Dorin Recean said.   

Twenty two projects have been carried out through the European Village and Express European Village Programmes, with the government investing over 25 million lei. Also, another 18 projects worth over 43 million lei were selected following the contest from this year.    






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