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Investments of 5.6 million euros made at Moldovan Technical University. Students to benefit from seven laboratories endowed with last generation equipment

22:12 | 24.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 24 September /MOLDPRES/ - Seven scientific and didactic laboratories, endowed with last generation equipment, were inaugurated at the Moldovan Technical University (UTM) today. It is purchased due to two grants worth over 5 million 647,000 euros, from which UTM benefited within the Higher Education in Moldova Project, implemented by the Education and Research Ministry and financed by the World Bank.       

Education and Research Minister Dan Perciun and Education Minister of Romania Ligia Deca visited the new laboratories today.    

Dan Perciun said that big investments had been made in the last years for the modernization of the higher education institutions, as part of the authorities’ efforts to motivate as many as possible young people to choose to continue their education at universities of Moldova. This materialized in 2024 through a ten-per cent increase in the number of young people who were admitted to university education in the country.   

„Presently, we implement an important project of 25 million euros, from which also UTM benefits and the investments are directed especially for laboratories. These funds come from external sources, directed by the World Bank and accessed through Moldova’s government. These are the biggest investments in our university education in the last years and I believe that these resources significantly change the image of our universities,’’ Minister Dan Perciun said at the event on the launch of the labs. At the same time, the minister noted that the current project next year would be extended by another 30 million euros; a good deal of the funds is to be allocated for UTM. These resources will be meant both for research and the modernization of hostels.        

Attending the event was also Romanian Education Minister Ligia Deca. She said that ‘’in the higher education, the reasons for connection to the European family are numerous, from capacity to invest and take over examples of good practice up to extraordinary mobilities from which more students and professors benefit.’’ ‘’In the long run, we are set to have a Romanian Erasmus programme, through which teachers from Moldova should come to universities of Romania for short periods of time, benefiting from allowances and accommodation, in order to strengthen the relations between our institutions. These mobility programmes generate social relations, research projects with European funds and affiliation with European university alliances. I hope that, in the long run, we will have European diplomas issued by the universities from both countries,’’ Ligia Deca also said.       






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