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First Home Plus program: 240 citizens submitted applications to purchase home

14:11 | 25.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 25 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- A number of 240 citizens applied for accessing a real estate loan to purchase a home through the First Home Plus program, in about a month after its launch. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization Dumitru Alaiba made the statement today.

"Almost a month after launch, we see that this program is quite in demand. We already have six banks that have become part of the program, so they have signed the respective agreements. We have more than 240 requests from citizens, that means 240 families who have found a solution to buy a home or extend their old one. This is a very good sign. In addition, we have 238 guarantees issued, which means that the state helps young people and families to guarantee their loan in order to obtain it under much more accessible financing conditions", he said.

The program was approved by the Parliament in the second reading on July 31 and entered into force on August 5, upon publication in the Official Journal of the Republic of Moldova. The document sees the expansion of the Program in order to provide access to more citizens of the Republic of Moldova to financing to purchase home, with a series of barriers in accessing financing under more advantageous conditions being removed.

Thus, people who do not have employee status in the Republic of Moldova, but have official income obtained in the Republic of Moldova, such as freelancers, lawyers, bailiffs, taxi drivers, artists will be able to apply to the First Home Plus program.

At the same time, the limit amount of the loan was increased - from 1 million lei to 2.5 million lei and the state guarantee rate for loans from 50% to 65% or 70% for housing outside the municipality Chisinau. Also, the crediting period was extended from 25 to 30 years.

The program was launched after President Maia Sandu announced on May 15, International Family Day, that she discussed with the Government representatives to expand the First Home program and come up with a new program - First Home PLUS - through which to provide access to these resources to more young people, not only those who work in state institutions.



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