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Director of Energy Community says Moldova, Ukraine prove exemplary preparation for next winter

16:14 | 25.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 25 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova and Ukraine have proved an exemplary preparation for the next winter and the solidarity of these countries is more important than ever in these difficult times. Director of the Energy Community Artur Lorkowski has made statements to this effect at the 19th edition of the Energy Community’s Gas Forum, recently held in Vienna.   

Among the subjects tackled at the event, there was the progress made by Moldova in the implementation of innovating solutions as to the security of gas supply, as well as the country’s solidarity with Ukraine in the process of transformation of the energy sector.   

„The energy security depends on the solid national stocks and fair transport tariffs. These reserves represent a line of rescue during the winter months, especially as the transit of gas moves away from the Russian sources and explore the North-South routes. Moldova and Ukraine proved an exemplary preparation for the next winter and the solidarity between these countries is more important than ever in these difficult times,’’ Director of the Energy Community Artur Lorkowski said.   

The event brought together over 140 participants from ministries, regulatory authorities and the business environment from the contracting states of the Energy Community, who discussed ‘’scenarios of supply with gas from alternative sources, through giving up the Russian gas and the European countries’ commitment for decarbonization.’’     

According to the Energy Ministry, the discussions tackled the preparation of the energy infrastructure for the cold season through the diversification of the sources and routes of supply with natural gas. The participants also discussed the regional cooperation for ensuring the energy stability, with emphasis on the enhancement of the capacities of storing and transport of natural gas.  

„In the context, the participants appreciated the regulatory reforms implemented by Moldova as to the gas supply security; they noted, in particular, the stockings of gas, the Regulation and the Action Plan for emergency situations and the 2024-2025 winter plan, elaborated by the Energy Ministry. They also stressed the importance of the cooperation between Moldova and Ukraine for overcoming the geopolitical challenges fueled by Russia,’’ reads a press release by the Energy Ministry.      



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