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Discover Moldova with #MOLDPRES: Stove Fitter's House from Molovata, on Dniester's bank, become ever more attractive, accessible to tourists

19:43 | 25.09.2024 Category: Tourist Moldova

The Stove Fitter’s House launches new facilities of accommodation for tourists in Molovata  

The Boarding House, Stove Fitter, placed in the Molovata village, on the left bank of Dniester, extends its tourist bid through the launch of new chambers for accommodation. Backed by the Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity in Moldova Project (RCRA) of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), this initiative contributes to the diversification of the tourist bid in the area and to the promotion of local traditions.     

Family project which has become a success story

The Stove Fitter’s House is a family project which started in 2020, with the purchasing and restoration of an old house. The boarding house now provides four chambers endowed with traditional furniture, able to host between 8 and 10 people. Also, the boarding house includes a terrace with local specific character, a museum of traditional artifacts, as well as walks on the bank of Dniester and relaxation in open air.      

Marina Cosneanu, the owner of the Stove Fitter’s House: We are grateful for the support provided by the USAID Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity in Moldova Project, which helped us extent the tourist bid and provide accommodation during all the year.   

Development with USAID’s support

Jeff Bryan, the head of the USAID Mission in Moldova, highlighted the importance of this initiative.  

Jeff Bryan: USAID supports the development of tourism in Moldova through the diversification of products and extension of the hospitability infrastructure in the rural areas. The Stove Fitter’s House is an excellent example of family business, which contributes to the development of the rural tourism and the local economic growth, through the creation of jobs. We are proud that we back such initiatives, which turn to account the cultural heritage and the local traditions.   

Andrei Chistol, state secretary at the Culture Ministry: The Boarding House, Stove Fitter’s House, is beneficiary of the Tourist Moldova programme of grants – a comprehensive initiative of the USAID Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity in Moldova Project. This programme has the goal to back and modernize the businesses from the tourism sector, especially through the development of the infrastructure, facilities and products of tourist hospitability. The Stove Fitter’s House from Molovata becomes ever more attractive and accessible for foreign tourists.     

The best tourist launch in 2023

Marina Cosneanu: The award received last year at the World Tourism Day (Position 1 at the Top launches 2022-2023 category) is certainly the merit of the entire team which works at the Stove Fitter’s House.   

The Molovata village, situated at a distance of 67 km far from Chisinau, provides to the boarding house a strategic advantage through the proximity to other tourist attractions, such as the old Orhei Museum Complex and Pohrebea village, with a dynamic tourist development. It is estimated that this initiative will significantly contribute to the increase in the tourist flow in the region and to the sustainable development of the rural tourism in Moldova.    

In the last ten years, USAID has strategically supported the development of the tourism sector in Moldova, facilitating the diversification of the tourist products and the extension of the hospitability infrastructure in the rural areas. Over 65 rural boarding houses and hospitability units were developed due to the technical assistance and grants provided by USAID.    

Correspondent: Lilia Grubii








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