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Moldovan government additionally allocates 95 million lei for payment of salaries

16:27 | 25.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 25 September /MOLDPRES/ - The government today ruled to allocate additional resources worth 95 million lei to the central and local public authorities for the payment of salaries.   

„As a result of the analysis of the level of carrying out of the staff expenses by the central and local public authorities, including following the examination of the requests received from these authorities, we propose the allocation of about 95 million lei – additional resources for the payment of salaries,’’ Finance Minister Victoria Belous said.    

She noted 50.3 million lei out of the overall sum was meant for the local public authorities for the payment of salaries of the employees from the primary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums. Also, according to the minister, another 45 million lei was earmarked for some central public authorities.    

„We helped the local public administration, but we also must take care of the discipline of the budget’s fulfillment at the local public administration of the second level. I mean the district councils,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said at the cabinet meeting.     

The informative note to the draft reads that, in this case, ‘’the lack of a quick intervention implies the risk of the appearance of an insufficiency of budget allocations for staff expenses, which will generate the non-observance of the salary rights of the staff in the public sector.’’  

The decision will enter into force on the date of its publication in the Official Journal (Monitorul Oficial).



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