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Candidate of Action and Solidarity Party for Moldovan president's office meets pro-European women, students, teachers

13:18 | 26.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, 26 September /MOLDPRES/ - The candidate of the Action and Solidarity Party ((PAS) for office of Moldova’s president, Maia Sandu, on 25 September had meetings with more women with European aspirations, students of the Moldovan State University (USM) and teachers of the Mihai Eminescu Theoretical Lyceum from the central Straseni city. The candidate for the office of head of state unveiled the measures approved by the authorities to back the citizens.     

Maia Sandu discussed with more women – perseverant ambassadors of Moldova’s accession to the European Union. Sandu stressed that she wanted ‘’all women of Moldova feel safe, be free and follow their dreams and benefit from qualitative services wherever they go.’’

„I participated today in an event with strong, resolute women, perseverant ambassadors of Moldova’s accession to EU. The European family is a good family for Moldova – the women know this and their energy inspires us not to stop at half way, to put in safety the country and all families of Moldova. We can achieve this desideratum with the accession to the European family, but I need the help of each woman of Moldova. United, we can take care of our nation!’’ Maia Sandu said.    

Maia Sandu referred to the actions carried out by the cabinet to support the families from Moldova. ‘’The government has made major efforts in the last three years, by adopting more measures to back the families. It is about the increase in childbirth one-off allowance from 8,299 lei to 20,000 lei, introduction of the monthly allowance worth 1,000 lei for children up to the age of 2 years. The social assistance system was reformed, so that at present, twice as many families with children benefit from this support and the children from the vulnerable families receive assistance of almost 3,000 lei per month. Twenty two new crèche groups were created and 20 groups benefit from renovated and well-endowed rooms. The legislation was amended, so that the women who work on the period of the maternity leave can preserve both the salary and the allowance,’’ Maia Sandu noted.    

Also at the discussions, the candidate touched upon the measures undertaken by the authorities against the violence against women. ‘’The measures we take support the women not only in career and family, but also in the fight against any form of violence. We improved the mechanism of protection for the women who face the violence, either in the family or in the society, so that they can benefit from medical, psychological and legal services. In October 2023, we opened the first Centre of Family Justice of Police and a specialized service in Ungheni, where the victims of sexual violence can receive full assistance in a single location,’’ Maia Sandu also said.      

The Plan for Moldova, presented by Maia Sandu, comprises also a commitment on the ensuring of a sound and free of charge nourishment for all children of the primary and high schools. ‘’It is important that we provide also enough places in kindergartens, open crèche groups and implement a national programmer for the protection of the child,’’ Maia Sandu specified.    

Also on 25 September, the PAS candidate discussed with students of the faculties of law, journalism, political sciences and international relations of the Moldovan State University. Maia Sandu emphasized that these young people would contribute to the consolidation of the rule of law state and democracy in Moldova.  

„Our plans for the university education are ambitious. Besides the 500 million lei already invested in universities and colleges, we are set to invest another one billion lei in infrastructure and increasing the salaries. We want our universities to become more competitive and the young people to choose to remain at home. The European integration is the country project from which the young will benefit most of all. The participation in the elections, the civic involvement, combating the misinformation - all these mean to take their destiny in their own hands. Not only their destiny, but also the one of the whole country,’’ Maia Sandu said.   

Also, Maia Sandu discussed with teachers of the Mihai Eminescu Theoretical Lyceum from Straseni about the education, children and future.  

„The lyceum is the biggest one in the district and it will become one of those 35 model schools, part of an ambitious programme of 1.3 billion lei. In 2024, we increased the salaries of teachers by 15 per cent and the scholarships of the pedagogy students were doubled. The allowances for the young graduates who choose to teach in schools increased from 120,000 lei to 200,000 lei – a measure which led to the employment of the largest number of new teachers in the last six years,’’ Maia Sandu said.   

She reiterated that the commitments from the Plan for Moldova implied the increase in the average salary of the teachers to the level of the average salary on the economy and the extension of the network of model schools to 90 institutions. ‘’Many things have started in education; we have much to do; yet, we can do them, only in a democratic, European state, protected from dangers,’’ Maia Sandu added.   

The electoral campaign for the presidential elections and the republican constitutional referendum, due on 20 October 2024, is carried out in Moldova. Eleven candidates will compete for the office of head of state in all.






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