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Moldovan parliament speaker pays working visit to Stefan Voda district

12:12 | 26.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 26 September /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu on 25 September paid a working visit to the south-eastern Stefan Voda district. He discussed with mayors, farmers and citizens projects on modernization implemented, the country’s European integration way and efforts made to ensure a decent living and a prosperous life. The sides discussed also the problems faced by the residents, the parliament’s communication and public relations department has reported.    

The discussions with mayors from Stefan Voda were focused on projects on modernization of settlements, implemented including with state’s support. In the last two years alone, funds worth over 70 million lei have been invested in settlements of this district through the programmes European Village and Express European Village. As a result, more than 5,000 residents have access to drinking water and tens of children enjoy better conditions in renovated kindergartens.  Also, three community centres were repaired; three water-purifying stations and two photovoltaic centres were constructed. Also, the district hospital was renovated and endowed with modern equipment and the Anenii- Noi-Causeni-Stefan Voda road was repaired.    

Also, another 19 projects worth about 70 million lei will be implemented through the European Village 2 programme this year. ‘’They will be aimed at improving the living conditions in our settlements. We must, in continuation, join our efforts, in order to build roads, aqueducts, sewerage, illumination, hospitals, schools and kindergartens,’’ Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu said.   

The parliament speaker also went to the Olanesti village, where Ion Tulei has an orchard of 135 hectares, endowed with modern technologies – anti-rain systems, anti-hail net, cold storage rooms. The fruits grown by the farmer are exported to European Union markets, where they are appreciated by consumers. This year, the farmer got a grant to purchase special equipment for weighing and packing plums.       

„The business of Ion Tulei is an example of investments in farming products with high value, which make Moldova known all over the world, as well as develops the local economy and provides stable and well-paid jobs to 130 families of the region. I also discussed the problems faced by the farmers of the region, but we will gradually overcome them,’’ the parliament speaker noted.   

In the end of the working visit, the parliament speaker went to the Talmaza village, where he had a discussion with residents. ‘’ I saw a united community, willing to change the things in the settlement and grateful that we have managed to maintain peace at home, having a war at the border. The Talmaza village, step by step, changes its look through concrete projects, such the street illumination, arrangement of a playground, supplying all households with water, improvement of the conditions in kindergartens and schools, renovation of the Talmaza-Olanesti road, as well as the promotion of tourism in the region. Now, we will continue the illumination in the settlement through the European Village 2 programme,’’ Igor Grosu added.     




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