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Moldovan Constitutional Court validates MP mandate

12:29 | 26.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 26 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Constitutional Court (CC) today validated the mandate of MP Oleg Botnaru. He is alternate candidate on the list of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS).   

The mandate of the PAS lawmaker became vacant following the death of MP Iurie Pasat.

Under the Law on the status of parliament lawmaker, the vacant mandate is assigned to the immediately next alternate candidate on the list and CC decides its validation or non-validation, if it finds out the infringement of the electoral legislation.   

Oleg Botnaru studied philology, economic law and administrative law and has diploma of master in the human resources management sector. As of 2021, he has acted as head of the Balti Territorial Office of the State Chancellery.    



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