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PHOTO Printing of ballot papers for electors registered for vote by correspondence starts in Moldova

16:39 | 26.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, 26 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission  (CEC) today started the printing of the ballot papers for the electors due to vote by correspondence in the USA, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Finland.  

As many 1,809 ballot papers will be printed for the presidential elections (first round and runoff) and the republican constitutional referendum each.

The ballot papers for both ballots will differ through colour. Thus, for the presidential polls, the first round, they will have a smoked gray and for the runoff – the steel blue colour; for the referendum – they will have the violet colour.      

The ballot paper for the presidential elections will have a length of 31.75 cm and a width of 14 cm. As for the republican constitutional referendum, the ballot paper will have a length of 33 cm and a width of 16 cm. The price of one ballot paper is of 2.7 lei and the cost of all copies is 14,652.90 lei.    

Contacted by MOLDPRES, the head of the CEC’s communication, public relations and mass media department, Rodica Sirbu, said that almost 2,000 Moldovans had submitted applications for voting by correspondence at the elections due this autumn.  

„Most citizens were registered in the United States – 1,086, followed by those from Canada – 580 and Norway – 131,’’ Rodica Sirbu said.

Sirbu stressed that, at the end of the registration period, on 6 September, the identity of the electors who had asked for the vote by correspondence was verified, with the use of automated means.  Șefa Direcției comunicare, relații publice și mass-media a CEC a subliniat că la încheierea perioadei de înregistrare, pe 6 septembrie, alegătorii care au solicitat votul prin corespondență le-a fost verificată identitatea, fiind utilizate mijloace automatizate.

„In this process, the voter was notified to partially or fully update the data, in order to make the identification possible. The updating of the data ended on 25 September. Thus, 1,809 voters were validated, to whom ballot papers were sent, for participation in the elections due on 20 October 2024,’’ Rodica Sirbu also said.    

The period of voting by correspondence starts with the reception by the voter of the materials for voting and ends with the reception by the electoral body of the envelopes with the ballot papers at 18:00, at the latest, the time of the host country, on the Thursday before the day on elections, 17 October 2024.    










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