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Natalia Morari launches electoral campaign for Moldovan president's position

18:10 | 27.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, 27 September /MOLDPRES/ - The candidate for the position of head of state, Natalia Morari, nominated by citizens’ assembly, today started her electoral campaign for the presidential elections, due on 20 October 2024. The launch event took place on the Leova-Bumbata road.   

The candidate presented more actions for the country’s reformation. The measures were included in the New Moldova programme.  

„Today, I officially launched my candidature in the presidential race. I begin this campaign with the New Moldova programme, an ambitious plan meant to bring radical and quick changes, with the help of which I am set to transform the country completely and I will get it to the standards of a modern European nation. These are quick, clear, well through-out reforms, which provide an almost immediate effect. This is a clear-cut action plan in each sector of the social life. All these are part of a bigger plan on our country’s transformation,’’ Natalia Morari said.   

Also, Natalia Morari unveiled a string of social and economic measures of Moldova’s development.   

„There cannot be high pensions without a developed economy, decent salaries for teachers and physicians without profitable enterprises and qualitative medicine without economic growth. I will be the president of the new generation and I will not hesitate to tell you the truth. I will not have ‘’ours’’ and ‘’yours.’’  I will work for everybody. Nevertheless, I say from the very beginning – there will be no gratuitousness things. We will have to work very much, but the result will be tangible and visible immediately, by each of you,’’ Natalia Morari noted.    

Natalia Morari is 40 years old and is journalist by profession.

The electoral campaign for the presidential elections and the republican constitutional referendum, due on 20 October 2024, is carried out in Moldova. Eleven candidates will compete for the office of head of state in all. The electoral campaign ends on 18 October 2024, two days before the polls.






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