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Andrei Năstase starts campaign for Moldovan president's office

17:40 | 27.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, 27 September /MOLDPRES/ - The candidate for the office of head of state, Andrei Nastase, nominated by a group of citizens, today started his electoral campaign for the presidential elections, due on 20 October 2024. The launch event took place outside the Moldovan Presidency’s building.    

Andrei Nastase said that, along with his team, he had created a realistic programme. Nastase gave assurances that he would be a president dedicated to the people, tradition, family and care for children.    

„My dream is to make changes in the country, so that the people and their families live well. Moldova needs foreign support more than ever. We want free elections and a president who works for the interest of the country and its people. Moldova needs a president of the people, who will make deep institutional changes. I assure you that I will have the power to decide in favour of the people,’’ Andrei Nastase said.  

The candidate said that he would support a fair electoral campaign, dedicated to the communication with people. ‘’I will promote the order, justice and well-being,’’ Andrei Nastase stressed.  

Andrei Nastase is 49 years old and is lawyer by profession. He formerly acted as interior minister.  

The electoral campaign for the presidential elections and the republican constitutional referendum, due on 20 October 2024, is carried out in Moldova.

Eleven candidates will compete for the office of head of state in all. The electoral campaign ends on 18 October 2024, two days before the polls.





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