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Moldovan PM at United Nations rostrum says peace, security, prosperity, freedom of choice today represent Moldova's essential agenda

20:53 | 27.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 27 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today evening gave his speech at the General Assembly of the United Nations. The official said that the peace, security, prosperity and freedom of choice today represented the essential agenda of Moldova.   

„We are a reliable partner for our neighbours, Romania and Ukraine, as well as for the European Union. We have maintained the peace and security in Moldova. The peace is not only our goal; it is our duty. The peace stays our principal commitment,’’ Dorin Recean said.    

At the UN rostrum, the PM also said that ‘’Moldova’s destiny belongs to the Moldovans, not to the powers from outside’’ and ‘’presently, our people is closer to the fulfillment of these aspirations than ever.’’ ‘’We are full of hope and resoluteness on our European integration way. The people of Moldova choose freedom. We choose Europe,’’ the official noted.    

According to the prime minister, ‘’Moldova is no longer a ‘’gray area’’, a profitable enterprise for laundering money for dishonest oligarchs and foreign powers, who robbed our state and people.’’   

The official referred also to the Transnistrian conflict, noting that ‘’Moldova is involved in its just and peaceful settlement, with full respect for the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.’’ In the context, the Moldovan prime minister said that ‘’the illegally deployed Russian troops must be withdrawn.’’  

Dorin Recean also said that the country’s energy independence was a reality now and the energy can no longer be used for blackmail and getting geopolitical concessions. ‘’The resilience does not mean only security. It is about our institutions – stronger than ever at present, due to the support of our partners,’’ the PM specified.   

In the end of his speech, the prime minister had a message in the Romanian language. ‘’Dear Moldovans, from home and from everywhere, now time is ripe for us to join our efforts, to be consolidated and bring Moldova where its place is – in the great European family, where the peace and prosperity are ensured,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.    

PM Dorin Recean today pays a visit to the United States, to New York. The prime minister leads Moldova’s delegation at the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, held on 24-30 September 2024.   

The prime minister’s agenda in New York includes high-level meetings with counterparts and the UN leadership. In the end of the visit, the PM will meet representatives of the Moldovan Diaspora from the USA.  

The UN General Assembly represents the most important forum, with the main subject, Unity in diversity, for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for everyone everywhere.  






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