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Dozens of farmers in northern Moldova ask banks to extend payment obligations

17:06 | 30.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Sep 30 /MOLDPRES/- About 70 farmers, most of them small producers from the northern part of the country have applied for renegotiation or extension of payment obligations. Representatives of banking institutions told about this during a meeting held at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA), with the participation of associations of producers, importers and distributors of agricultural inputs.

According to a MAIA press release, each request is analyzed individually, and solutions are adjusted to the specific situation of each farmer in order to ensure the viability of both parties involved.

Law No. 240, which entered into force on September 19, 2024, stipulates that from September 20 until October 20, 2024, farmers affected by drought have time to notify creditors of the case of land damage and that they fall under the law. Thus, farmers have one month to fulfill this legal obligation.

Similarly, in order to properly inform farmers about the necessary documents and actions to be taken before renegotiating financial guarantees, it was agreed to organize meetings this week in the southern districts severely affected by drought. These meetings will be attended by lawyers from MAIA, representatives of banks and input distributors, who will provide farmers with explanations and support to clarify their financial situation and meet the deadlines set by law.

"The aim of these actions is to provide concrete support to farmers to overcome the difficulties caused by the drought and to facilitate their access to financial solutions that allow them to continue farming in the best possible conditions," the Ministry of Agriculture's press release reads.



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