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ANTIFAKE // Agriculture Ministry: 40 per cent of EU's budget meant for backing farmers, providing them with financial stability, protection against bad weather

14:38 | 08.10.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 8 October /MOLDPRES/ - The Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry  (MAIA) dismantles a myth alleging that ‘’the Moldovan agriculture would be hit following the accession to the European Union.’’

Referring to an analysis made by WatchDog.MD, MAIA shows how the reality looks, in fact. ‘’In the discussions on the accession to EU, some people wonder whether the Moldovan agriculture will be hit. The reality looks as follows: 40 per cent of the European Union’s budget is dedicated to the support for farmers, giving them financial stability, access to the European market and protection against the bad weather, such as the drought,’’ the ministry said.      

Also, in EU, farmers annually benefit from subsidies of at least 260 euros for one hectare. The young farmers have access to grants of up to 80 per cent for investments and special subsidies in the first years of work.     

„Let us clear up several myths: ‘’We will not cope with the EU standards. Yes, we will do! The European Union helps the farmers implement these standards and the European market of 500 million consumers is opened for the qualitative products of Moldova. ‘’EU wants to close up the small farms! False! EU backs the small farmers through subsidies and special assistance,’’ according to the analysis by WatchDog.MD.

„The farmers of Moldova protested and we can render justice to them – the drought, floods and a system which does not have enough resources to help them. This is the reality and not only for the farmers, but for the whole country. Yet, the future should not be like this. The European Union can bring real opportunities – subsidies, grants and access to international support. The referendum due on 20 October is not only about politics, but about you, the farmers who deserve better conditions. Your vote matters for the future of the agriculture from Moldova!’’ said WatchDog.MD, which is part of the civic initiative, Citizens for Europe.      






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