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REFERENDUM 2024 // Young wing of Moldova's musicians choses EU. ''Moldova's voice deserves and must be heard not only on stages. Europe is the area of cultural diversity, rich traditions and artistic opportunities''

15:21 | 08.10.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

Chisinau, 8 October /MOLDPRES/ -  

Moldova’s citizens on 20 October 2024 will participate in a constitutional referendum, during which they will answer the question: ‘’Do you support the amendment of the Constitution for Moldova’s accession to the European Union?’’

The results of the plebiscite will represent ground, if most residents answer affirmatively to this question, for the amendment of Moldova’s Constitution, so that the European integration’s desideratum should be compulsory for all governances due to come.

Young artists of Moldova, who have become known in the international space, support the European integration of the country. In a video clip placed on social networks on the occasion of the International Music Day, the young wing of the musicians and the Musicians’ Union of Moldova say ‘’Yes’’ to the accession to the European Union. EU is an area of freedom, opportunities of creation and development, of appreciation of the talents at their true value, say the young artists. They compared EU with the Adorned Room, where, no matter where you are, gives you the feeling that you are at home.    

Alexandra Conunova, violin player: „I live and work abroad, but my heart is Moldova and I want from the bottom of my heart our republic, our country to become a European one and my heart to return home, where its place is.’’  

Dumitru Mîțu, tenor: „I choose Europe, as it is an area of cultural diversity, of rich traditions and artistic opportunities.’’

Violeta Botezatu, singer: „Europe, as we have the same values, Europe for a decent living and an as prodigious as possible cultural life.’’  

Mihail Agafiță, conductor, symphony orchestra: ‘’Dear friends, I want to assure you that the way to Europe is the way to prosperity, the thing which the musicians have understood for much time, as we saw and appreciated the quality of life in our travels and tours to European states.’’   

Tatiana Costiuc, soprano: „Europe is the one which can appreciate the talents and the true music at their true value and we are the ones who need this appreciation or Moldova is a country rich in talents.’’   

Eugen Negruța, Concertino Accordion Band: „Europe, as music is my life and I want to live and express myself in a world of culture, of freedom, of progress. I would like the social stability to give me possibility to work and create without limits.’’  

Iurie Nistorică, cultural manager: „Europe, as this is what I feel, this is what I believe and think. Europe, as it is the Adorned Room, where we can feel like at home.’’   

Natalia Tanasiiciuc, soprano: „I choose Europe, as the voice of Moldova deserves to be heard not only on stages and the possibilities and experiences given represent the best way for the development and turning to good account of our possibilities in all fields. Let us bring Europe home.’’  










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