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Moldovan deputy PM says over 81 per cent of foreign direct investments come from European Union to Moldova

15:11 | 11.10.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 11 October /MOLDPRES/ - Over 81 per cent of the foreign direct investments in Moldova’s Economy come from the European Union. According to data by the Public Services Agency (ASP), in 2023, 4,900 companies with capital from EU member states were working in Moldova, which made investments worth 20 billion lei in all. Deputy Prime Minister, Economic Development and Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba unveiled figures to this effect today.     

„It should be clear: who is against the European integration, is against the economic interests of our country, does not want a developed economy, based on investments and exports,’’ Dumitru Alaiba said.  

The deputy PM noted that tens of thousands of jobs were backed by investments from the European Union and the Moldovan citizens can work here at home, with their families. According to the official, the European integration process will also bring more investments, which are to provide even more well-paid jobs.  

„The presence of European companies does not mean only financial injections. The European investors bring also an important transfer of know-how and expertise, facilitating the modernization of our economy. They contribute to the optimization of the production processes, to the improvement of the products’ quality and to the implementation of the best international practices. The progress comes from the West, not from the East, just as some ‘’well-wishers’’ suggest,’’ Dumitru Alaiba also said.      

The European Union is the principal commercial partner of Moldova. Presently, over 65 per cent of the country’s exports go to EU.



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