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REFERENDUM 2024 // Moldova's Ambassador to Ukraine, head of Moldovan Musicians' Union, representative of Moldovans' community from United States urge citizens to vote at referendum

17:08 | 14.10.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

Chisinau, 14 October /MOLDPRES/ -  

Moldova’s citizens on 20 October 2024 will participate in a constitutional referendum, during which they will answer the question: ‘’Do you support the amendment of the Constitution for Moldova’s accession to the European Union?’’

The results of the plebiscite will represent ground, if most residents answer affirmatively to this question, for the amendment of Moldova’s Constitution, so that the European integration’s desideratum should be compulsory for all governances due to come.

Through the active involvement in the referendum, people can express their will and can contribute to the consolidation of the democracy in Moldova, ensuring a safe road to a European future. Moldova needs people’s support, in order to advance in the European integration process. All good-will people, with absolutely firm and clear position, must go to vote. Opinions to this effect have been expressed by Ambassador of Moldova to Ukraine Valeriu Chiveri, the head of the Musicians’ Union of Moldova. Svetlana Bivol, and a representative of the Moldovans’ community from Colorado (USA), Nina Cerescu, at the REFERENDUM 2024 campaign, carried out by the MOLDPRES State News Agency.        

Valeriu Chiveri, Ambassador of Moldova to Ukraine: ‘’We need people’s support, in order to advance the European integration”

„For me, the speaking out for Moldova’s accession to the European Union is not a complicated exercise. It is clear that we need the people’s support, in order to advance, in continuation, the European integration process of our country. The citizens of Moldova, who are in Ukraine, will be able to give their vote at the General Consulate from Odessa and at the Embassy from Kiev. My urge to Moldova’s citizens is not to stay at home. They should have a proactive civic attitude, with nice thoughts for the future of our country.’’     

Nina Cerescu, representative of Moldovans’ community from Colorado, USA: ‘’Moldova deserves to be a European country and the Diaspora means Moldova’’   

„Moldova’s accession to the European Union represents a crucial step for the country’s future, from more points of view. First of all, the European Union provides political and economic stability, which is essential for the long-term development. Through accession, Moldova will have access to European funds, which can be used for the modernization of the infrastructure, education, health and other critical sectors. Secondly, the affiliation with EU will bring a solid and transparent legal framework, which will encourage the foreign investments and will create more jobs. The European standards will enhance the protection of the human rights, thus providing the citizens with a greater safety and freedom.     

I want to see Moldova flourishing, growing, developing; it is already on the right way; it already grows, it is a nice country; yet, I believe that all of us, who left the country, must come home with projects to develop Moldova. We, the Diaspora, are brought up in Moldova, have facilities made there and I think that we must return this debt, return home with the well-done plan, in order to develop the country. I have always said that I would like us to learn what is the nicest in the world and bring this home; I believe that this is the goal for developing Moldova, through seeing the beauty of the great world and implement it at home. (…) I am sure that we have many things to do together, the Diaspora and the people at home; we must join and fulfill the supreme goal to make Moldova a prosperous country. Moldova deserves its future in the European Union, as all of us are happy when we can travel to Europe, visit all countries and can see the beauties and traditions of the European countries; Moldova deserves to be a European country and Diaspora means Moldova.      

The referendum on the accession to EU represents a historical opportunity for all Moldova’s citizens to decide the direction in which the country moves. The massive participation in the referendum is essential, in order to ensure a legitimate and representative decision. Each vote matters in the edification of a better future, with clear-cut perspectives of integration into a European community which promotes the peace, prosperity and solidarity. Through the active involvement in the referendum, people can express their will and can contribute to the consolidation of the democracy in Moldova, ensuring a safe road to the European future.’’     

Svetlana Bivol, head of the Musicians’ Union of Moldova: „For me, the European Union associates with the freedom, opportunities, well-being.’’  

„All goodwill people must to go vote, people with great soul, people with an absolutely firm and clear position. This is the only solution. The European integration is quite beneficial for our country.    

The culture people and especially the musicians have been long ago got involved in the European circuit, through their professional level, through attitude, numerous tours and this cooperation and quite nice partnerships with musicians from Europe. Many of them studied in Europe and understand very well the benefits and, in fact, the musical society is for.

For me, the European Union associates with the freedom, opportunities, well-being; EU associates with a community.’’   






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