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REFERENDUM 2024 // Former Moldova's PM, representative of Moldovans' community from France, poet of Moldova speak out for joining EU

21:07 | 16.10.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

Chisinau, 16 October /MOLDPRES/ -

Moldova’s citizens on 20 October 2024 will participate in a constitutional referendum, during which they will answer the question: ‘’Do you support the amendment of the Constitution for Moldova’s accession to the European Union?’’

The results of the plebiscite will represent ground, if most residents answer affirmatively to this question, for the amendment of Moldova’s Constitution, so that the European integration’s desideratum should be compulsory for all governances due to come.

Moldova’s accession to the European Union will allow the country making a huge leap of economic and social development and solving the security problems. EU provides support, safety and confidence, becoming, during time, home to more fellow countrymen who settled abroad. If the opportunity is opened to join the great European family, we must not hesitate. EU is an area of freedoms, respect for people and the democratic values. The opinions were expressed by a former prime minister of Moldova, Ion Sturza, a representative of the Moldovans’ community from France, Tatiana Zemba and poet Ianos Turcanu, within the REFERENDUM 2024 campaign, carried out by the MOLDPRES State News Agency.      

Ion Sturza, former PM of Moldova: „This is a decisive moment for Moldova. We must choose a formula of development which would allow us making an economic leap.’’  

„ This is a decisive moment for Moldova. We must choose a formula of development and join a community which would allow us, on the one hand, to develop economically and socially; on the one hand, to solve our security problems in our contemporary and quite difficult world. Obviously, the result was not 100 per cent in any country; yet, in most countries, the score in favour of the referendum was of about 70 per cent. The score should be of 65-70 per cent – a target of ours, a goal, in order to prove to our partners that this is not the idea of a political establishment at rule, but is an option which the Moldovans see for development.  

Having left Moldova for many years, I integrated into EU. I feel part of a system which provides me both personal and economic and social safety.’’   

Tatiana Zemba, president of the MoldovaVita Association (France): ‘’The referendum provides legitimacy to the political direction; an eventual accession to EU would bring numerous benefits’’   

„EU is already the second home for me. An eventual accession to EU would bring numerous benefits, such as the access to a more stable economy, funds for regional development, improved infrastructure and educational opportunities. Also, the accession would stimulate the investments, would create jobs and would facilitate the free movement, improving the Moldovan citizens’ living standards.   

The referendum is a necessary exercise, as it provides legitimacy to the country’s political direction and reconfirms the population’s wish to be part of the European family. If the citizens opt for the integration into EU, this will send a clear signal that there is massive support for the reforms needed and for the European values.   

Ianos Turcanu, poet: „I believe in the European Union. We must insistently knock at the doors which lead to light and beauty!’’

„Each choice, small or big, contributes to the shaping of a complex picture of our existence. And if now a unique chance is given us to create our destiny along with the other European country, why we should hesitate?… This is the solid reason that we must necessarily go to the referendum! We must insistently knock at the doors which lead to light and beauty!    

For me, the European Union, besides the fundamental values which stay at the basis of any society, also means a small envy, knowing that EU has nine regions which are placed far from the European continent, while we, who are just in the centre of Europe, are... further than these regions. For me, EU, in these troubled times, also means the Nobel Peace Prize! I believe in EU!’’   






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