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REFERENDUM 2024 // Civic initiative - Citizens for Europe urges voters to participate in referendum

14:58 | 17.10.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

Chisinau, Oct 17 /MOLDPRES/-

On 20 October, Moldova will hold presidential elections and constitutional referendum on accession to the European Union.

On 20 October, Moldovan citizens will take part in a constitutional referendum in which they will answer the question "Do you agree with amending the Constitution for Moldova's accession to the European Union?".

Representatives of the civic initiative - Citizens for Europe call for mobilization for the referendum on 20 October, stressing the importance of the plebiscite for the democratic and prosperous future of the Republic of Moldova. Personalities of various fields, including former Moldovan Foreign Minister Nicu Popescu, soprano Valentina Nafornita, journalist Alex Cozer sent messages of support for the European path, encouraging citizens to vote for a stable future within the European Union.

Nicu Popescu, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration: "I call on all of you to vote, don't let others decide for you!"

"We are on the threshold of a historic event for our country. Our people know that they all want to live in a calm, peaceful, democratic, free country and only Europe can provide us with these conditions, only Europe can ensure that we can preserve this calm and peace and obviously, only Europe can ensure that, on the basis of these achievements that we have, we can also build a better economy, better jobs, better salaries in this family of European states. 

Only Europe can provide us with this framework in which we can continue to develop our country, to preserve the good things we have. I call on you all to vote, do not let others decide for you, do not let others steal your vote, buying the votes of those people who unfortunately continue to sell not only their vote, but also our future. Therefore, we cannot let them take our country. Please, all of you go out and vote, make a decision, it is absolutely essential that this decision is yours. But this decision must not be ceded to absolutely nobody and in a referendum there is no second round. On October 20, we all go out to vote. 

Alex Cozer, journalist: "Today, we no longer need to take to the streets to defend our democracy and our future. We can do this by going to the polls".

"Today, we no longer have to take to the streets, sit in tents, freeze to defend our democracy and our future. Today, we can do it by going to the polls. And this really is a big plus and a big difference from what has happened in the last decades in the Republic of Moldova. On Sunday, for a simple vote, for a simple effort to move a few dozen, a few hundred meters here in the Republic of Moldova, those of us in the diaspora, perhaps a little more, we can cement our path, not just European path. Behind the expression European path there is much more. It is about our prosperous, free, democratic, peaceful future here at home.

Let us, this time, defend our democracy and freedom by voting. We must all understand that this is about our future and the future of generations to come. It is extremely important what we, as citizens of the Republic of Moldova, will demonstrate on Sunday.

Valentina Nafornița, soprano: "We can build a beautiful world at home by voting "yes" for the European Union"

"I think we are so privileged that we have the right to vote, we have an opportunity to decide the future for ourselves, for our children, for our grandparents, because we want them to live in a prosperous, beautiful country, to travel freely, to be able to see the families back home. I would like to do more things at home, to sing more at home, to have the opportunities that I have there and it is not impossible. Only we can build these possibilities and this freedom and beautiful world at home by going to the polls and voting "yes" for the European Union.

Maria Mardari, representative of the business environment: "The Republic of Moldova has created a European path and we cannot go back. We want more openness on the European market"

"We realize very well that Moldova has already created a European path and we cannot back down. It is certain that many of the entrepreneurs already have activities in Europe, they have outlets. Which is good, but we want to be more there, we want to have more openings to the European markets. We want to benefit from more support, because the European Union offers us these chances. This is what we must work for, whether you are an entrepreneur or an ordinary citizen, everyone must make a small contribution.

Valeriu Pașa, president of WatchDog.MD Public Association: "The referendum - a unique opportunity when such an important decision can be taken by citizens and not by politicians"

"It is a unique occasion when such an important decision can be taken by citizens and not by politicians. I didn't really have such opportunities to come true. I urge the citizens to be active, to participate in this referendum, during which on Sunday we will all together decide by direct vote in the most democratic way the fate of the Republic of Moldova".






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