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Busiest polling stations abroad: over 50,000 diaspora citizens voted by 12.00

12:58 | 20.10.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, Oct 20 /MOLDPRES/- More than 50,000 Moldovans living abroad voted at the presidential elections and the republican referendum by 12 noon. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, queues formed at some polling stations abroad.

According to the situation as of 12 noon, an increased number of citizens waiting to vote is registered at some polling stations in France, the Russian Federation, Romania, Greece, Italy and Turkey.

In some polling stations in France and the Russian Federation, queues of more than 100 people formed.

Several reports of people traveling thousands of kilometers to vote at today's elections were spread online this morning.

Moldova is holding presidential elections and republican constitutional referendum today. Citizens will answer the question "Do you agree with amending the Constitution for Moldova's accession to the European Union?".

231 polling stations have been set up across the country.



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