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Vetting Commission starts evaluation of Courts of Appeal from Balti, Cahul, Comrat

16:53 | 07.11.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 7 November /MOLDPRES/ - The Vetting Commission today notified all judges of the Courts of Appeal from Balti, Cahul and Comrat about the starting of the evaluation of their financial and ethic integrity. In all, 15 judges from the Balti-based Court of Appeal, four ones from the Cahul Court of Appeal and four judges from the Court of Appeal from Comrat have received from the Commission the first documents for the initiation of the evaluation.    

The notified judges are asked to fill in and submit to the Commission the Declaration of wealth and personal interests for the last five years, the declaration on the close people from the judicial system, prosecutor’s office and public administration, as well as the Questionnaire of ethics, which are filled obligatorily. The magistrates from the Courts of Appeal have 20 days to submit the forms filled in, starting from the date of notification. Through the submission of these documents, the subjects declare, on their own responsibility, the truthfulness and correctness of the information provided and give their consent to the processing of the personal data.   

The Commission made available to the judges a model of Declaration filled in with fictitious information, in order to ensure the correct understanding of the requirements and to facilitate the process of filling in. The Vetting Commission also submitted an updated copy of its Regulation on organization and work, which regulate the evaluation procedures.     

Under the legislation, the vetting is compulsory for all judges of the Courts of Appeal. The lack of a reasonable justification to submit or not submit on term the declarations or the questionnaire represents ground for the ascertaining by the Commission of the non-passage of the evaluation. The consequence in case of non-passage of the evaluation is the dismissal from office, with the deprivation of the right to act as judge or hold a public office for a period of 5-7 years.      

The Vetting Commission today notified also three candidates for the office of judge of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), submitted by the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) for evaluation. Thus, the list of candidates for CSJ was completed with prosecutor Dumitru Calendari (Cahul Prosecutor’s Office), judge Alexandru Negru (Chisinau Court, Buiucani headquarters) and lawyer Iurie Chirica. They have ten days, in order to fill in and submit the Declaration for five years and the Questionnaire of ethics, without consequences dealing with the dismissal from office in case of non-submission of documents.    

The people who have relevant information for the evaluation process are encouraged to submit it to the Vetting Commission at the email:   

The Vetting Commission simultaneously carries out three types of evaluation for diverse categories of subjects: vetting of the candidates for the office of CSJ judge, evaluation of the judges from the Courts of Appeal, as well as of the presidents and deputy presidents of courts and the pre-vetting of the candidates for the position of CSM member, who put forward candidatures following 1 September 2023.  



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