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Sales manager of construction company in Moldovan capital detained in case of forgery

14:30 | 02.12.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Dec. 2 /MOLDPRES/- Sales manager of a construction company in the Moldovan capital has been detained by anti-corruption officers and prosecutors in a case of making, possession and use of false official documents for the illegal registration of a real estate. The person was detained for 72 hours, following searches carried out this morning at the home.

According to the National Anti-Corruption Center (CNA), it was established that representatives and decision-makers of the construction company, together with employees of the National Inspectorate for Technical Supervision, allegedly fabricated and falsified the Inspection Act and the Final Acceptance Act of a building without carrying out the legal procedure of on-site verification.

The prosecution actions in this case are being conducted under the procedural direction of the prosecutors of Balti municipality, analyzing the data and information obtained from the searches.


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