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Moldova's Superior Council of Magistracy finds out non-passage of external evaluation by judge of Supreme Court of Justice

17:48 | 02.12.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 2 December /MOLDPRES/ - The Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM), at a today’s meeting, found out the non-passage of the external evaluation by a judge of the Supreme Court of Justice, (CSJ), Mariana Ursachi, and ruled to dismiss her from office.    

CSM considered the report of the Commission for external evaluation and found out the non-passage of the evaluation, and took a decision on dismissing the magistrate from office, under the Article 17, paragraph 4 from the Law No 65/2023.  

The reasoned report includes the relevant deeds, the reasons and the conclusion according to which the judge does not meet the criteria of financial integrity.

Under the CSM’s decision, Mariana Ursachi was deprived of her right to hold the office of judge for a period of seven years after the date of confirmation of CSM’s decision, as well as other public offices. The magistrate is also deprived of the right to get a one-off allowance upon her dismissal.   

The decision can be appealed at the Supreme Court of Justice in a five-day term.




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