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Moldovan president participates in Gala of Ethnic Communities

21:22 | 03.12.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 3 December /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today participated in the Gala of Ethnic Communities. The beauty and diversity of the people from Moldova, as well as the unity from the country, which the Moldovans have the duty to preserve and value them, was celebrated at the event, the presidential press service has reported.   

The head of state stressed that Moldova which all people want was a Moldova of everybody, where each citizen is respected and can plan a future at home, no matter his/her roots, the language he/she speaks and the religion he/she shares. ‘’We have a country rich in traditions, cultures and languages, where we can live nicely together. Over ten languages were heard at the today’s event alone. We are grateful to those who, day after day, work for harmony between people and better dialogue between communities, so that all of us live in peace and understanding,’’ the Moldovan president said. 

President Maia conveyed also a message in Russian: ‘’Dear friends, our country is unique in its diversity and richness of traditions, languages ​​and cultures. Namely this makes us stronger and helps us move forward together, maintaining peace, harmony and respect for each other. I thank everyone who works every day for mutual understanding and unity - values ​​that are so important to everyone who is proud to call Moldova home.’’
Speech by President Maia Sandu at the Gala of Ethnic Communities from Moldova:

Your Excellences,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Dear friends,

We today celebrate the beauty and diversity of the ethnic diversities and traditions from our country – a great wealth which we have the duty to preserve and value it in continuation. We today celebrate our unity, more necessary than ever, before the attempts to divide us, to trigger artificial conflicts and to spread distrust.   

This is Moldova which all of us want: a Moldova of everybody, where each citizen, no matter his/her ethnic origin, the language he/she speaks at home or in the street, the religion he/she shares, is respected and benefits from the opportunities of development, according to the personal and professional aspirations.

At this gala, we bring appreciation to people who make out of Moldova an example of harmonious coexistence. We owe you our every gratitude.   

These moments represent an expression of the beauty of our diversity, an invitation to celebrate the common heritage, as well as the identity and traditions specific for each community.    

Each woman artist and each man artist, through their mastership, will have occasion to remind about the fact that the cultural heritage of Moldova is a living treasure which must be encouraged and promoted, both in the country and abroad. This harmonious ethnic diversity contributes to the European cultural diversity. We are Europeans in this regard as well.  

Dear friends,

It is not a coincidence that the motto of the European Union is Unity through Diversity. Since the very beginning, the founders of the European project understood that the peace can last only if we do not become victims of prejudices and stereotypes.  

Dear friends,

We are proud of the fact that we live in a state where the respect, friendship and unity represent the foundation of our coexistence.  

The today’s evening is not a mere holiday. This is possibility to remind all of us how valuable the diversity, mutual respect and unity are. Each ethnos, each culture is part of the general mosaic, which makes our country stronger, wealthier and nicer.      

We are proud of the fact that, in Moldova, each ethnos preserves and develops its traditions, enriching our common culture and contributing to the strengthening of the friendship and mutual understanding between all citizens of the country.  

The today’s event is a great opportunity to see that, despite the fact how diverse such a small country as ours is, there is much more that unites us than divides us.   

All of us, no matter our roots, share the values inherent to other nations of the European continent: aspiration to freedom, humanity, manifested in solidarity, common sense and respect for others, the desire to live in safety next to close people.

Let me end by thanking each of you – members of the ethnic communities, representatives of public institutions and civil society – for the contribution brought to this common effort of cohesion.   

And I wish us everybody peace and prosperity, warm heart and happiness to be all together part of a nice, worthy and respectful with its citizens!

Thank you!
Maia Sandu







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