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Asylum seekers likely to benefit from more protection measures

16:06 | 04.12.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Dec. 4 /MOLDPRES/- Parliament is to approve a set of measures for asylum seekers. A draft amending several laws on asylum procedure was examined at today's meeting of the national security, defense and public order committee.

The authors of the initiative propose expanding the categories of people with special needs. These include unaccompanied minors, single-parent families with children, families with three or more children, people with disabilities, pregnant women, victims of human trafficking, people with intellectual and mental health problems, people who have been subjected to torture, rape or other serious forms of violence, and people who have reached retirement age.

Clear rules to prevent abuse of the asylum system will be laid down, according to the interior ministry. 

The changes also concern temporary protection. Under current legislation, temporary protection is offered for two years. The new bill proposes to exclude the two-year limitation. The proposed amendment will establish a flexible mechanism for the application of temporary protection, which can be used promptly to respond to the needs of refugees who have come from Ukraine. 

The legislative initiative on the amendment of the asylum procedure law takes over the regulations of the European Union acts. The document is to be examined by Parliament.


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