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Repeated voting for election of mayor to take place in north Moldova commune

17:00 | 04.12.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 4 November /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has established repeated voting for the election of the mayor of the Iliciovca commune, northern Floresti district, for the date of 15 December 2024.

The electoral council of the Iliciovca commune electoral constituency on 30 November 2025 cancelled the registration of Irina Volciuc as candidate for the position of mayor of the Iliciovca commune for the new elections held on 17 November 2024. Under the CEC’s Decision No 3238 from 30 November, the decisions of the electoral body were maintained. The Soroca Court (central headquarters) rejected the sue petition submitted by the representative of this candidate for the office of mayor of the Iliciovca commune as groundless. At the same time, the Balti Court of Appeal turned down, for its part, also the appeal submitted by the lawyer of the candidate against the ruling of the first instance court.      

In this respect, CEC regards as judicious the enforcement of the provisions of the electoral legislation, which stipulate that ‘’the elections are declared null, if during electoral operations, infringements of the Code were committed, which influenced the results of the voting and the assigning of the mandates.’’   

The repeated voting will be made based on the same data from the electoral lists and with the same electoral bodies, with the inclusion in the ballot paper of the candidates which participated in the first round of the voting, in the order established by the electoral council of the Iliciovca commune, Floresti district, electoral constituency, except for candidate Irina Volciuc on behalf of the Revival Party Political Party.     

Also, the electoral contenders registered in the ballot paper will submit the reports on the financing of the electoral campaign according to the provisions of the Electoral Code.



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