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Another 500 grounds from six settlements to be expropriated given construction of Vulcanesti-Chisinau overhead power line

17:55 | 04.12.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 4 December /MOLDPRES/ - The government decision on the expropriation of the grounds meant for the construction of the Overhead Power Line (OPL) of 400 kV of electric energy transportation Vulcanesti-Chisinau has been amended, through completing the list by 500 grounds additionally, in the Cimislia town, the settlements of: Topala, Cenac, Ivanovca Noua, Albota de Sus and the Bacioi commune. The government today approved a decision to this effect, in order to systematize the cadastral information and implement amendments needed for the technical project.     

Energy Minister Victor Parlicov stressed the strategic importance of this project for Moldova’s energy security. ‘’The construction of OPL Vulcanesti-Chisinau is a crucial step in the modernization of the electric energy infrastructure and in the ensuring of a stable supply with electric energy for consumers. The finishing of this project till the end of the 2025 year will significantly contribute to the enhancement of the energy system’s resilience,’’ Parlicov noted.    

The grounds are expropriated permanently and temporarily and the owners receive compensations for damages on behalf of the state. The grounds expropriated permanently are meant for the construction of pillars and will be submitted to the state property, while the ones expropriated temporarily will stay owned by the person, following the finishing of the construction works. As a result of the amendments made to the Government Decision, there will be over 5,450 expropriated grounds in all, of which about 900 will be expropriated permanently.      

Under the procedure, following the approval of the completions to the Government Decision, meetings of informing people are to be held in the aforementioned settlements, with the participation of representatives of local public authorities and all owners/users of lands. Subsequently, they will receive proposals of expropriation, which contain the sums as compensation for damages. Following the reception of the proposals on expropriation, the application is filled in and the confirmatory documents are attached, which are shipped to the address of Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit (UCIPE). After the application is processed, the compensations can be received by economic agents – in the bank accounts specified and by private people – at post offices, on a period of 60 days at the latest.

Due to the project’s importance, as regards the security of supply with electric energy of Moldova’s consumers, the works of construction of the OPL Vulcanesti-Chisinau were declared as public utility works of national interest, in accordance with the provisions of the Law No 120/2022. Under the provisions of the national legislation, the works of construction of the overhead power line are carried out concomitantly with the procedure of expropriation.    

The construction of the OPL is part of the Project on development of the electric energy system of Moldova, financed by the World Bank. The beneficiaries are the Moldelectrica state enterprise and the electric energy consumers.    



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