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Moldovan parliament amends state social insurance budget for 2024

14:22 | 05.12.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Dec. 5 /MOLDPRES/- Parliament approved today the rectification of the state social insurance budget for 2024 in the second reading.

The draft is aimed at specifying the budget revenues and expenditures, given the evolution of the execution in the nine-month period of this year, as well as analyzing in different aspects of indicators: monthly or quarterly dynamics of expenditures in previous years, dynamics of the number of beneficiaries and average sizes of social benefits, seasonality of some benefits, registration of amounts not claimed by beneficiaries. Thus, the sum of revenues and expenditures will amount to 43.04 billion lei.

Thus, the initially planned budget identified the risk of non-utilization of the planned financial means. They refer to the resources for the pensions of MPs, members of the Government, prosecutors, persons who are fully dependent on the state etc. 

Under the draft, the savings identified will be allocated to other categories of social benefits. Thus, 4.54 million lei will be earmarked for family and child protection, in order to pay allowances and support families at the birth of a child; 28.54 million lei will be allocated for the protection of the elderly, for the payment of pensions; 5 million lei for disability pensions; 1 million lei for pensions in case of temporary incapacity for work; 1.78 million lei for social protection in emergency cases etc.

The amendment of Radu Marian and Marina Morozova was also accepted for the second reading, proposing to increase the budget line for energy compensation in the form of monetary payments.


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