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Moldovan PM informs about resignations at government, to ask for establishing emergency state in energy sector

14:56 | 05.12.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 5 December /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean, at a today’s news conference, informed about the resignations of Energy Minister Victor Parlicov, the director general of the Energocom enterprise, Victor Binzari, as well as of a member of the Council of Observers of the Moldovagaz enterprise, nominated by the government, Sergiu Tofilat. Also, the PM is to go to parliament, in order to ask for the establishing of the emergency state in the energy sector.      

While explaining the resignations, the PM said that those three decision-makers would be guilty of the fact that Moldova had not purchased natural gas last summer, when the prices were much lower than now. ‘’These persons either blocked or did not react at the fit moment, in order to purchase gas at the most suitable price. Instead of looking for guilty people and shift the blame from one to another, their task was to supply the country with gas at the opportune moment,’’ Recean said.      

As for the situation in the electric energy sector, Dorin Recean said that he had had a meeting with representatives of the structures in the field, for whom a string of immediate tasks were set. ‘’We discussed all developments and risks possible, both in the context of the war in Ukraine and in the eventuality of hostile actions against the energy sector of our country. Taking into account its importance and the state of things emerged, I personally assume the management of this sector,’’ the prime minister stressed.  

The PM also informed that he would go to parliament, in order to ask for the establishment of the emergency state in the energy sector starting from 16 December 2024. ‘’We have to overcome a winter in difficult conditions, with many risks; therefore, I will ask the parliament to establish the state of emergency as of 16 December and till the overcoming of the situation of supply with gas of our citizens, including from the Transnistrian region, as well as in order to manage eventual consequences of the crisis and the supply with electricity, especially of the citizens on right bank of Dniester. The government undertakes all efforts, in order to minimize the risks and their impact on our citizens; yet, we have responsibility to be prepared for absolutely any scenario, especially as given that the cold has been used as a weapon against the people from the entire region for three years,’’ Dorin Recean said.    

On the period of emergency state in the energy sector, the Commission for Emergency Situations can issue provisions for the enforcement of such measures as: instruction, if needed, of the rationalization of the consumption of natural gas and other energy resources; adoption of the decisions necessary, in order to ensure quick actions of supply with natural gas, including through derogation from the normative provisions; adoption of decisions on empowerment of providers and system operators to act on the purpose of purchasing, carrying and distributing the natural gas and other energy resources on all territory of the country; establishment of quick instruments of collecting payments from the consumers of natural gas used; establishment of a special regime of buying natural gas in quick regime, if necessary; allocation of financial means to ensure the procurement of the necessary volumes of natural gas, if needed; coordination of the activity of the mass media institutions concerning the residents’ informing about the reasons and proportions of the emergency state, about the measures undertaken to prevent the danger, liquidate the consequences of  this situation and protect the residents, as well as familiarize the population about the rules of behavior during the emergency situation.       





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