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Moldova and US to step up parliamentary cooperation - speaker says

12:48 | 06.12.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, Dec 6. /MOLDPRES/- The Republic of Moldova and the United States of America will step up parliamentary cooperation and several congressmen are expected to come to Chisinau to offer expertise. Speaker Igor Grosu made the statement after several meetings in the US with American lawmakers.

During talks with US congressmen he said that reforms remain a priority for the government, especially in the context of the European path.

"The constant support of the United States for Moldova helps us modernize villages and cities, strengthen state institutions and become a strategic partner in the region. Despite the hardships we are going through - energy crisis, Kremlin's hybrid war, criminal gangs and resistance in the justice system - reforms remain a priority, especially in the context of our European path," Grosu said.

Grosu and Foreign Minister Mihai Popșoi are visiting the United States this week.






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