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Moldovan Justice Ministry informs about contest for selection of candidate for position of member of Integrity Council on Behalf of civil society

15:23 | 06.12.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 6 December /MOLDPRES/ - The Justice Ministry today launched a contest for the selection of a candidate for the position of member of the Integrity Council on behalf of the civil society. The people interested can submit their files on participation till 18 December.  

According to the quoted source, the contest will take place in two stages: selection of candidates based on the acts included in the file on participation in the contest and the interview.

The person who cumulatively meets the following conditions has right to run for the office of member of the Integrity Council: holds Moldova’s citizenship; is not subjected to a measure of judicial protection in form of guardianship; has higher education; has no criminal records; was not deprived of the right to hold certain positions; has not had, in the last five years, in the records on professional integrity, notes on the negative result of the professional integrity test; is not and has not been member of any political party in the last two years; did not have, till 1991, status of operative employee of the intelligence service, under-cover agent or informer at these services; is not banned from holding a public office, which comes from the inspection report by the National Integrity Authority.        

The file on participation in the contest will include an application, a CV, the copy of the identity card, the copy of the higher education diploma or its equivalent, the copy of the employment record book and a letter of intent. Also, the file will include a declaration on one’s own responsibility; an integrity declaration and an agreement on the processing of personal data.     

If the file on participation in the contest is submitted by email, the application for participation in the contest, the declaration on one’s own responsibility, the integrity declaration and the agreement on the processing of personal data must contain the electronic signature.   



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