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Moldovan foreign affairs minister in Washington says close cooperation with USA contributes to strengthening democratic institutions of Moldova

16:15 | 06.12.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 6 December /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi has had meetings with more senators and congressmen in Washington. He thanked the American lawmakers for the constant support and invited them to Chisinau.    

At these meetings, the Moldovan diplomacy head stressed that the relations between Moldova and the United States were excellent, being consolidated through a continuous and constructive dialogue, both at the governmental and parliamentary levels.

„The close cooperation with the USA significantly contributes to the consolidation of the democratic institutions from Moldova, to the implementation of the essential reforms, strengthening of the security and advancement on our European integration way,’’ Popsoi said.   

The minister thanked the congressmen and senators for the constant support the United States is providing to Moldova. He stressed that the country relied on this essential support in continuation. Mihai Popsoi also invited he American officials to visit Moldova.

Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi is on a visit to Washington on 2-9 December 2024.  





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