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Share of renewable energy produced, consumed in Moldova grows up to 14 per cent

17:44 | 18.12.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 18 December /MOLDPRES/ - The renewable energy has got to account for 14 per cent of Moldova’s consumption by 16 December. The renewable energy, along with CET-2 and CET-Nord, produced 41 per cent of the end consumption; 31 per cent was purchased from MGRES (Kuchurgan power station) and 27 per cent was imported from Romania. The Energy Ministry presented the information to this effect and explained the sources of supply with electric energy of Moldova for the date of 16 December 2024.     

„One of the main good news is that the renewable energy has got to account for 14 per cent of our consumption on this day! The energy from renewable sources replaces the imported one or from MGRES and is cheaper. The renewable sources, along with the CET-2 and CET-Nord, produced 41 per cent of the end consumption; 31 per cent was bought from MGRES and 27 per cent was imported from Romania,’’ the state secretary of the Energy Ministry, Constantin Borosan, said.   

According to the official, a part of the energy from Romania is purchased from state companies at capped prices; while the peak consumptions, during 7:00-11:00 and 18:00-23:00, are covered through procurements from OPCOM at higher prices. On 16 December, they were of 200 euros/MWh, Borosan noted.  

The state secretary of the Energy Ministry, at the same time, denied the fake news spread on the last days in the online environment, according to which Moldova will not have electric energy. ‘’This is not true,’’ Constantin Borosan said.

At the same time, the official urged the citizens to save the electric energy, in order to eventually cut the invoices.  

Prime Minister Dorin Recean today urged the citizens to undertake measures of saving energy resources. The official said that the authorities would make sure that there is enough energy on the right bank of Dniester, ‘’but we must prepare for more difficult situations.’’  

In late last week, the authorities launched the Save Energy - Pay Less campaign, through which the citizens are informed about a string of actions which can help us save energy resources. At the same time, the Energy Ministry issued a circular latter to the central and local public authorities, with the urge to enforce concrete measures of optimizing the consumption of energy at public institutions.   

The Energocom Company has earlier informed that, on the first days of December, a higher demand of electric energy had been recorded and urged the citizens to rationally use the energy resources.   



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