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Moldova's Foreign Ministry on attack in Magdeburg, Germany

10:30 | 22.12.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Dec 21 /MOLDPRES/- The Moldovan Embassy in Berlin is in permanent contact with the German authorities to check whether Moldovan citizens are among the victims of the tragic incident at the Christmas Fair in Magdeburg, Germany. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Chisinau announced that no information confirming the presence of our country's citizens among the victims had been reported until this evening.

"The ministry expresses its solidarity with the families of the victims and all those affected by this tragedy. Our embassy has opened a 24/24 hotline for Moldovan citizens in Germany at +49 176 458 13159 for any information or requests for consular assistance. The MAE will continue to keep the public informed about developments," said MAE spokesperson Tatiana Barac.

On the evening of Friday, December 20, a car plowed into a crowd at a Christmas fair in the northern German city of Magdeburg. The latest death toll indicates at least four dead and around 200 injured. The identity of all the victims is still unknown and the authorities are still investigating the circumstances.


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