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Term for registration of efective beneficiaries to be extended in Moldova

20:19 | 26.12.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 26 December /MOLDPRES/ - The term for the registration of effective beneficiaries will be extended by 12 months. The MPs today adopted amendments to the normative framework which regards the fiscal and customs policy.  

Thus, the amendments to the Fiscal Code regard the tax on the placement of advertising and of advertising devices. The adjustings were proposed, in order to get the provisions of the Fiscal Code in line with the Law on advertising. Another stipulation establishes that the customs laboratory of the Customs Service will have powers of carrying out of the judicial expertise.  

The document also contains amendments to the Customs Code. The Customs Service is to ensure the delivery of the sequestrated, confiscated or abandoned assets by the State Fiscal Service for commercialization.

The Customs Code will be completed with a provision which stipulates that both the goods at the expense of grants and the ones at the expense of loans will be exempted from guarantee in customs regime of temporary admission, if they are meant for investment assistance projects.

Also, the term of entrance into force of the Law on the cash transactions will be extended till 1 April 2025.

At the same time, the term for the registration of the effective beneficiaries will be extended by 12 months. Thus, the economic agents will have enough time for confirmation and the pressure on the Public Services Agency will be reduced.  



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