DOC Lyceum from Odessa changes syntagma ''Moldovan language'' in syllabus, introduces Romanian language
14:05 | 24.08.2023 Category: Social
Chisinau, 24 August /MOLDPRES/ - The lyceum from Borisauca, Odessa region, Ukraine, where Romanian national minorities study, will officially switch to the teaching of classes in Romanian language starting from 1 September. This will remove the syntagma ‘’Moldovan language’’ from the syllabus. The Bessarabia of Romanians Association from the Odessa region has made statements to this effect.
According to a written statement issued by the Association, the decision on the bilingual teaching at the lyceum with the clear-cut indication, ‘’in the mother language of the national minority – Romanian language’’ was taken by the teaching staff of the education institution of the Borisauca village on 25 May 2023, when the syllabus was approved for the 2023-2024 school year.
The syllabus has been recently published on the official webpage of the Lyceum from Borisauca, Odessa, reads the written statement issue by the Bessarabia of Romanians Association from the Odessa region.
In the context, the Association made an urge to the teachers brought together at the annual meetings of teaching collectives ‘’to take attitude on this decision’’ and ‘’to initiate the procedures needed as to the switch of the classes with teaching in the so-called ‘’Moldovan language’’ to education according to the syllabus for the education institutions with teaching in Romanian language, approved by the Education and Science Ministry of Ukraine.’’